Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sad & Happy!

The Sad: Well, for those of you who haven't heard yet, that Tuesday January 22nd, 2008, young, talented, and amazing actor; Heath Ledger died, at the age of 28 years old. I was totally shocked. He died from a drugoverdose, on sleeping pills, they think he took to many knowing it would kill him, or he jsut overdosed by accident.

The Other Sad: Since Monday night, I have been sick with a head ache and a cold. I went to school yesturday. But since we are all going to Chicago, Illinois tommorrow afternoon, I stayed home today to get better. I'm still going no matter what. Plus, I am getting better, so that's also good. LOL!

The Good: I get to see Chris in 2 day's, and I leave for Chicago, in 1 day! Yeah! LOL!


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