Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Well, last week was pretty fun and pretty busy! Crhis came in on the night (thursday, july 3rd, 2008) of red, white, and boom. which once again was so much fun! I have alway's gone down there for as long as I can rememebr. My dad, my twin girl nieces, chris, a friend of ours, and my brother dave, who works for aep, and we sat with some of the people that he works with, and some ofther people that we know through my brother dave. We have such a fun time. I can't wait until next year, yeah! LOL! Then, saturday night Chris and I hung out with our friends (who are married) Kira and Keith. Whenever Chris comes home (which should be in a few weeks, yeah, lol!) we always go over to kira and keith house and just hang out and have a blast. We also babysat little ross and annabell (annie may's nickname that abbey gave her, so cute)! They are so much fun to watch, we just love them. Little ross loves chris, in nursery on sunday, he saw chris and just yelled: Chris, hi! It was too cute! Well, I guess, I'll ttyl!



Moms Are Contagious said...

do you have a brother I do not know about?!?!

Emilee said...

dave, is my brother (in-law) if you really want to get technical, and he will always be my brother!!

Amanda B. said...

It was nice to finally meet Chris- you guys did awesome watching Abbey's kiddos. :) My girls really seemed to like nursery- and one of their flowers is starting to grow. The other one Aaron knocked over, so not sure if it will....

Emilee said...

awwww, Which one is it, a blue or pink one?