Last night, my dad and I (well I drove of course, lol) drove to pick up a friend to go to the singles fhe at our church building, whenn we arrived at the church, I got a call from my mom. She told me that my friend abbey had called, and needed for me to call her. Right away, I picked up my cell phone and called Abbey. Her husband is out-of-town, so she has no car. I drove to her houe and her, me, little ross, and baby annie may, and I drove to the after hours, because little ross was complaining about his left leg hurting him. I felt so bad, I sped just a little to get to abbey's house, because I was so worried about my little ross. I am going to call abbey today and see if his fine. He was last inght, but just a little pain in his leg, nothing big. We just took him there, as a percaustion, which is good, i think. Then after I was done with abbey, i had to go back to my church and pick up kaisa and my dad, take kaisa burger king to get something to eat, then I took him home, and then finally My dad and I went home. By that time my driving (right) leg, was kind of hurting, but I really enjoyed doing all of that for abbey last night. She has always been there for me and my family when we have needed her, so it was just my way of helping her out, which any time abbey dno't hesitate to call me day or night. Well, until next time!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Crazy, but good night!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Promised Update's!
The following picture's are of the june 2008 indie car show, and drag races which I really love, and enjoy going to every single year! I also have the outfits that were so goods deals and just a picture of me when I was a baby! LOL! Yeah, I know, how cute! LOL! and I think that's it, for now!
Promised Pictures!
My Bling Bling Brown Roxy Weadge flip-flops from Macy's. $25.00!A Baby Photo of me. Priceless! LOL!
$3.00 Silver Flip-Flops from J.C. Penny's!
$4.99 Blue t-shirt, from J.C. Penny's!
No sure how much the walmart teal little blue pretty t-shirt was.
$10.00 Pink and white dress, from J.C. Penny's!
Well, I really do promise, when I have more time to actually sit down and add more pictures, I will. Soon, hopefully. LOL! Well, anyway's, I really can't put any picture's of my wedding dress, up on the web, because A little birdie, or other's my call him a peeping tom, (Christopher), which he most likely would, some how, look at the photos, and I just can't until next may 23rd, 2008, Saturday! LOL! I have been busy with the wedding plans, and with work. I went out to breakfast at the crackle barrel, with my nanney and pepaw (my grandparent's, my mom's parent's) this morning, I stayed at the house last night. Last night we went to Easton, and to barnes and noble. I just love that store. I bought a 2 little bride and groom do you know each other questions trivia books. LOL a movie, my favorite (well, one of them) Eddie and the cruisers. I also bought a book on the assassination of president john f. kennedy. I just lover to hear about and think about what really happened. It's interesting to me, really it is. It also has been. I love any history from 1920's on, but mainly i love the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's! and on. lol! Nan and Pep's and I also went to JC Penny's after breakfast this morning. I bought some clothes and shoe's. White legging's, silver flip-flops, a blue t-shirt, and a pink and white dress. It's all so cute, and so cheap! LOL! I love deal's! Well, I put the clothes, well the pictures of them, soon, on my blog, soon@ Maybe even later on today! I promise!
Until I write. Which will be soon! LOL!
Monday, June 16, 2008
i promise I will update more soon, with lots more pic's!
Today, I went and looked and priced some wedding bands for topher. I am for sure buying his ring soon, but not sure when, but for sure, at meyers jewlers in grove city! I best friend Sam, well her cousin owns it, so yeah! Discount baby! LOL!
On saturday, I bought my wedding dress! It's so pretty!
Until next time, Soon! LOL!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Cutest Kids Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O.K. So I have been very lazy! I took these pictures about 1 month or so ago, when I babysat the cutest kids ever! Spencer (5), Abby (3), & Olivia (1)! They were all just so much fun, and very entertaining! Abby liked to go into the bathroom and sing, but my favorite part was when she would say, "Swipper, no swipping." From Dora the explorer! Olivia was so fun to feed, because she was like, jump and reach so far for her/my food! So cute! And Spencer, well, hes my buddy! He's so funny and makes you laugh! He said, "Emilee, can we watch t.v." I siad, "Yeah!" We ending up (Spencer's choice's) watch the price is right the night time show, and jepordary, and wheel of fortune! He loved them, and would actually play around! Well, until later! Sorry for being so late this time! LOL!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Just a quick update! I will put my graduation photos on just as soon as I get them all ready and stuff!
This is a picture of my brother and my sister-in-law, at their wedding in Riverside, California, at the Mission Inn, on Sunday, May 26th, 2002! (I think it was 2002?) LOL!
Monday, June 2, 2008
The $5,000 Cell Phone! Go to this website and check out the $5,000 cell phone! This is so werid and kind f funny! LOL!