Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How Many Are There Of Me????????????

LogoThere is
person with my name in the U.S.A.

how/'>http://howmanyofme.com">How many have your name?


Amanda B. said...

I did this recently on another blog and it was a lot of fun! There is only one of me also! :) Kind of cool to be unique! :) By the way, what are you doing Aug. 8 & 9? Aaron and I will be out of town and my mom and dad are staying with the kids. But, my sister is also going to be induced to have her baby on the 8th. Would you be willing to come for a couple hours and watch my kids on either day or evening so my parents can go visit the new baby? I am not sure if they will want to do this or not, but just trying to be prepared. Give me a call or email me/comment on my blog and let me know! :) Thanks!

Suzanne said...

How cool is that to be the only you! You should try your future married name too just for fun:) Or, maybe you already did!!

everyday katie said...

IT's the spelling of Emilee isn't it? THere are nearly 18,000 Katie SMith's. You are very lucky to be so unique.

Emilee said...

yeah for sure just call me on my cell and tell me the imfo, but yeah, is it ok if i bring sam my friend who came with me last time also? so, yes for sure and take ur time there? ur kids are so easy and just so much fun too be with!