Sunday, May 4, 2008

Well, I found out that I made the Ralph Praiser Award, an award at my high school for an elecellent student with great grades. Me, man, I must be doing even better than I thought, I was. Well, Christoph's 21 birthday is today! Happy 21st Chris! My dad's 63rd birthday is tom, and so this afternoon we had a family cookout after church, it was nice. 5/6 of my niece's were there all of the 4 sister's were there, and all heart my brother that lives in Arizona was there, as well as my bro that lives in heaven, too. MY mom along with some friends, and my grandparents were there, as well, Taylynne was so funny, she'll be 4 may 19th, she's getting so big and using such big words. LOL! We all grow fast I suppose.



Kelly said...

Congratulations, Emilee!! Way to go! Tell everyone happy birthday from us, too!!

Amanda B. said...

Congrats on the award, Emilee! That is incredible! Yay!!! :):):) Birthdays are so much fun! I love it when family members have birthdays, giving us great reasons to celebrate. Happy birthday to everyone!

Suzanne said...

What a great way to end your Senior year with a fancy award! Way to go:) I love your new background. I assume this is in celebration of all the family birthdays! It's fun to change the backgrounds, huh! Good to see you yesterday!!

Autumn said...

Congrats on your award!