Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My 18th Birthday Countdown!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Boy(No, I mean Girl, LOL)! 28 Days Left!
Well, this birthday is going to be a very special birthday, because I'm going to be 18 years old! Part of me is like, "Man, I'm going to be 18 years old, awesome!" And then the other part of me is like, "Oh my goodness, I'm going to be 18 years olf soon, I really don't want to grow up!" All in all, ti's going to happen sooner or later, preferably later, (LOL!) Anyway's, I mine as well, just live with that fact, and have fun in life, but if you don't have fun while you still can, you'll totally regret it. Coming from experience, live your life to the fullest, and to the bettest, (LOL, I don't think that "bettest", is even a word, but, whatever!)
One More Step Closer!
So, last night I went to take the last (Lesson number 8), driving in-class lesson, and plus there is a written test from all of classes 1-8. I passed. I am so happy, and excited. So, this means, that all I have left to due before I can get my liscense is; start to take the 4 in-cars, each 2 hours long. I start this Monday, so hopefully, I get be down with-in two week's. you have to have like 2 or 3 day's, in between all of the 4 in-cars. So, yeah. Then once I'm done with the 4 in-cars, I get to wait a few more day's, until my certificate of completion comes in the mail, and then I get to go down to the OHIO-B.M.V. And then, take my driving test. So, yeah! I'm excited!
"Well, It's time for me to leave! Until I write again. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!"

1 comment:

Autumn said...

Hey you!! How exciting for your upcoming birthday!! The good thing about your birthday is that I will surely not be able to forget it with all of your reminders!!! (As I have others in the class...) So fun to see you in the blogosphere.