Start Date: May 20th, 2008 (Tuesday) End Date: February 15th, 2011 (Tuesday) 1. Get/Buy something from Tiffany's 2. Keep my hair down, either curly or straight, for 1 week (5/5) 3. Get a manicure 4. Buy a new outfit from the store Lucky 5. Buy myself a new purse 6. Buy myself 2 new pairs of shoes (Doesn’t all have to be at the same time) (2/2) 7. Whiten my teeth 8. Buy an outfit for $20.00 or less 9. Don’t wear makeup for 1 week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) (7/7) 10. Don’t straighten my hair everyday for 1 week (5/5) 11. Everyday for 1 week, take a shower that lasts 15 minutes or less (5/5) 12. Eat and/or Make something organic 13. Everyday for 1 week, turn the water off while I brush my teeth 14. Don’t buy gas for 1 week (Start on Monday, and End on Friday; Which means that you can buy gas on Friday night or even better, on Saturday morning) (5/5) 15. Give a talk or say a prayer in sacrament meeting or at a convert baptism, and try not be shake and be so scared 16. Write a missionary 17. Go to Relief Society 18. Attend a convert Baptism 19. Work out every other day for 3 weeks (But not stop after the 3 weeks are done) 20. Walk around the block everyday for 1 week 21. Go Bowling 22. Instead of driving, walk or ride my bike, or skate 23. Don’t weight myself everyday for 3 whole weeks 24. Go swimming as much as I can, in the summer time 25. Drink no soda (pop) everyday, for 2 days 26. Don’t eat chocolate everyday for 1 week (5/5) 27. Don’t eat any kind of junk food everyday for 1 day 29. Don’t watch T.V. for 1 whole day (Not weekends, only during the weekdays) 30. Go and see a movie & have someone else pay (LOL) 31. Watch the news everyday for 2 weeks (14/14) 32. Have a Walter Mathau & Jack Lemmon Movie Marathon 33. Call in and vote for my favorite American Idol 34. Watch 10 movies from the “American Film Institute (AFI) Top 100” List (10/10)(Gone With The Wind, Star Wars, The Graduate, The Wizard Of Oz, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, To Kill A Mockingbird, Jaws, Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid, Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, Rocky, American Graffiti, Forrest Gump, The Apartment, and a few other's on the list too.) 35. Buy the Gossip Girl Season 1 on DVD 36. Watch 5 movies that you’ve never seen before, (Doesn’t all have to be at the same time) But, it has to be the year 1970 or older (5/5) 37. Take an IQ test 38. Learn to say 5 new Spanish words (5/5) 39. Finish reading my Gossip Girl book (The best series of books and television show ever!) 40. Draw something 41. Go to College 42. Learn to 5 new sign language signs (5/5) 43. Read 5 books (5/5) (1 Gossip Girl book, 3 tori spelling books, 1 Lauren conrad book) 44. Graduate from Bexley High SchoolThe Music In Me 45. Write a song 46. Put 10 new songs on my IPod 47. Play the piano everyday for 30 minutes, for 2 days 48. Learn a new song on the piano 49. Learn a new dance. (The Cha-Cha) 50. Go to a concert(Ben Folds) 51. Learn to play guitar 52. Go to the mall, and don’t buy anything 53. Buy something from the thrift store 54. Visit 2 new states (1/2) (Arizona, & ) 55. Go to the beach 56. Go to my public library, and get a membership 57. Go Camping 58. Go on a picnic 59. Go to the mall and don't buy any food 60. Go to a Columbus Blue Jacket Hockey 61. Go to “Relay For Life” down in Chillicothe, Ohio 62. Go to Cleveland, Ohio and see the Rock ‘N’ Roll Hall Of Fame 63. Go and visit my brother Gary-Scott’s grave, as often as I can 64. Go on vacation 65. Try out 2 restaurants that you’ve never been to before (2/2) 66. Learn to draw a flower (not a flower that I can already draw something new) 67. Learn to make and perfect my own (food) dressing 68. Buy a build-a-bear and make it and buy it clothes 69. Make my own coloring book 70. Take 10 pictures of anything, and/or anyone 71.Go to the park/playground 2 times (Doesn’t have to be in a row) (2/2) 72.Go antique shopping 73.Come up with a new dance routine 74. Build a Snowman 75. Don’t bite my finger nails for one whole day 76. Paint my non-bite finger nails 77. Do 5 “Real push ups in a row 78. Learn to knit 79. Keep a dream journal 80. Make a quilt 81. Organize my makeup case 82. Start a quote book 83. Buy a pair of Audrey Hepburn sunglasses 84. Get/Buy a dog 85. Buy myself Dinner 86. Make my bed everyday for 1 month 87. Wear &/or get rid of some of my clothes 88. Keep my bedroom clean and organized 89. Get my car fixed 90. Check my email everyday for 1 week (Instead of once or twice a week) (5/5) 91. Get married 92. Learn to cook a new food 93. Eat something new (that you’ve never eaten before, and it doesn’t matter what, just as long as it’s something new to you) 94. Don’t buy anything for 1 whole day 95. Make my own grocery lists 96. Send out Birthday cards to my close friends and family 97. Send out Christmas cards to my close friends and family 98. Write something on my blog everyday for 1 week 99. Try 5 new foods that I’ve never had to eat before(6/6) (Star Fruit, Comquat, Cactus Fruit, Cramb Rangoon (I hated it), & Cactus Candy, & Cactus Pear Fruit) 100. Make homemade ice cream And, Finally.................... 101. Make another list when I complete this one.***** I have the right to interpret and change anything on my list how I choose.***** ~*Em!*~
Very cute. Looks like you are having a good old time. Hope school is going well for you!!!
school's good and aaron and I are both can't wait to help u out on friday. we can play with baxter yeah. lol.
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