Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Guess This??????????????

So, Katie tagged me for an image tag....
What you do is; Google image search for the answers to each of the following questions. It is so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, Here It Goes.........................

1. Age on my next birthday:

2. Places to visit:

3. My Favorite Thing:

4. My Favorite Place:

5. My Favorite Food:

6. My Two Favorite Colors:

7. The Town That I Live In:

8. Name Of A Past Pet:

9. Nickname I Have Had:

10. First Job:

11. Goal I Have For The Next Year:


Autumn said...

Very fun Emilee. Was a past nickname Pinky? I think I saw that image on my hunt for Pinky! Hmm. And the goal for next year?? I don't know!

Amanda B. said...

How fun- I love it! :):)

Emilee said...

next year goal would be college. and pinky was my nickname when i dated donald and he was sunshine!

Kelly said...

That was really fun! I loved all the pictures, especially the place you want to visit. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule - you are so fun!!